Daycare/Preschool Center Hours:
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Evening and Overnight Hours Available.
Non-Discrmination Policy
It is the policy of Greater Hope Restoration not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, children and families we serve, and volunteers.
Program Services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign, the provision of aides and the use of alternative service delivery locations Structural modifications shall be considered only as a last resort among available methods.
Good communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our program we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns or questions that may arise. It is important that there is a similar child care philosophy between the staff and the parents. We welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that are oriented towards a positive outcome for the child(ren). Sensitive issues will be discussed in private at a mutually beneficial time.
Enrollment Policy
The enrollment packet must be completed and in our possession before the first day of attendance at our program. This is to ensure that your child will get the very best care possible and satisfies the record keeping requirement of state licensing guidelines. All forms will be reviewed annually. If there are changes to any of the forms in the enrollment packet we will let you know in a timely manner so that you may complete and return the form so that there is not interruption in service.
If you have any questions regarding the completion of these forms, please feel free to ask the center director.
Registration Fee: There is a $50 Non-Refundable registration fee per family at time of enrollment. If you terminate childcare services and are gone more than 90 days and wish to return to Little Warriors, you must pay a $25 re-application fee.
Last week security deposit: Each parent when enrolling must pay an amount equal to one week’s childcare as a last week of care security deposit. This payment may be made in installments but must be paid in full within 30 days of enrolling.
Tuition / Payment Procedures
Your specific rates will be outlined in your Contract and Rate Agreement. Tuition is payable in advance and is due no later than 12 NOON on Friday each week for the following week’s daycare, unless another arrangement has been agreed upon.
Payment may be made via credit or debit card online only. We will not accept cash or checks at our facility. There will be a late fee of $5 for failure to pay by noon on Friday. An additional $10 (total $15) late fee will be assessed if not paid by closing time on Friday. An additional $10 late fee (total $25) will be charged if payment is not made by closing time on Monday. Repeated late payments may be grounds for termination and parents who are more than 2 weeks late on payment will be denied childcare until account is made current.
Parent Vacation: You must continue to pay your tuition on your vacation to hold your child's spot.
Maternity Leave: To hold a spot you must continue to pay while you are on maternity leave.
Hours of Operation
We offer full time care from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. We would appreciate your taking into consideration our schedule when dropping in or calling, and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner. If you call during the day, please be aware that we may be busy with the children and may not be able to answer the phone. If you would leave a message, we will call you back as soon as possible.
Arrival and Departures
Children are to arrive clean and fed (unless arriving just before a meal time). We will try our best to send your child home with a clean diaper, and would appreciate the same consideration when you drop off.
It is normal for some children to have difficulty separating from parents, or cry when dropping off. Please make your drop off brief, the longer you prolong the departure, the harder it gets. A smile, cheerful good-bye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back is all that is needed. Children are nearly always quick to get involved in play or activities as soon as parents are gone.
Please be brief at pick-up times, as well. This is a time of testing, when two different authority figures are present (the parent and the provider). All children will test to see if the rules still apply. During arrival and departure, we expect parents to back up our rules. Please be in control of your child during pick up times.
Our normal procedure is to release the child only to his/her parents, or someone else the parents designate on the Authorized Pick up and Emergency Contact Form. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, please notify us ahead of time. A verbal notice is fine on that day, if this person is on the list of people who are authorized to pick up your child. If the person is NOT on that list, we MUST have written permission to release your child. Please inform emergency contacts, or people designated to pick up your child, that if we do not know them then we will need to ask for identification and that we will call the parent for verification. This is not meant to offend them. This is simply a measure taken for the child's protection. Drop off and pick up are not good times to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. Your director can set up a time where the issues can be discussed in private.
Sign In / Out
It is required that all parents sign their child in and out each day. For your convenience, a sign in/out sheet, pen, and a clock are located in the reception area. This gives us a written record of the child's attendance, hours, and the person who brought/picked up the child each day. (No child will be picked up by anyone who does not have written authorization to do so).
Childcare fees are based on enrollment (a reserved space), not on attendance. To maintain a reserved space, fees must be paid during the absence of a child due to illness, holidays, vacation, or for any other reason.
The following is a list of the holidays on which will be closed:
New Year's Eve
New Years Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Martin Luther King Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day and the day after
The Center will close from December 23rd to 27th of each year to allow our staff to refresh and spend time with their families.
If one of these holidays falls on a weekend, (other than Christmas break) then we will be closed either Friday or Monday. If Christmas falls on a weekend in any year, we will post the holiday schedule online and send a notification at the beginning of the year.
Sick/Personal Days
We, unfortunately, get sick from time to time. Because of this, we allot ourselves 7 sick/personal days per year. We also use these days for our continuing education classes (CPR, Pediatric First Aid, etc) in order to keep our childcare license in good standing. Of course we will give you as much of an advance notice as possible.
We allot ourselves 2 weeks of vacation a year (unrelated to Holidays). The dates of our vacation will be posted at least one month in advance. Regular payment rates apply for our vacations, your vacations, weeks with holidays, and provider's sick/personal days.
Note:Parents are responsible for finding back-up care for their children during provider vacations, holidays, and sick/personal days resulting in the daycare closing.
Snow Days
In the event of bad weather due to snow storms we will post any closings or delays on WPXI the minute that we know the weather will make driving hazardous to our employees or cause us not to have the required staff in order provide the quality service that your child needs.
Clothing / Attire/Supplies
Children should arrive dressed for play. We like to have fun! Having fun involves outdoor play and lots of messy activities, so make sure that your child is dressed appropriately. You will be expected to supply an art smock to protect clothes from paint or other art materials, and bibs to keep food stains to a minimum. Please don't dress your child in nice clothing and expect them to be spotless when you arrive to pick them up. Clothing should be comfortable and seasonally appropriate for outdoor play. Make sure to include hats, mittens, boots and coats for cold weather.
Parents are responsible for supplying the following items: diapers/pull-ups, wipes, diaper creams, tooth brush, weather appropriate clothes and a couple change of clothes, jacket, shoes that lace-up or Velcro and/or stay on feet (no flip-flops please), pacifier (if needed), and a swimsuit. We supply and apply sunscreen every day to any child playing outside. For the older children sleeping on a matt: a crib sheet, a blanket, and a pillow are needed. If necessary a comfort object for rest-time, and any thing else your child may need. Your child's crib sheet, blanket, and pillow should be taken home every Friday and washed and returned to daycare the following Monday.
There is a good possibility your child will get dirty throughout the day because of food, paint, markers, dirt, bubbles, potty accidents, diaper blowouts, etc. So please dress your child accordingly for play. Wet, dirty, and soiled clothes will be put in a plastic bag in your child’s locker to be taken home and cleaned. We are not responsible for replacing stained or soiled clothing. We suggest that you write your child's name on the tags of their clothing (especially socks and underwear) in order to prevent any clothing mix-ups.
Note: Please periodically check your child's locker/cubby/bin to make sure they still have all of their necessary items needed at daycare. We greatly appreciate your adherence to this subject, as it helps ours and the children's day run more smoothly to have all of his or her necessary belongings with them at daycare. This way we can care for your child in the best possible way.
Personal Belongings
We prefer that children do not bring toys from home unless it is something that can be shared with the entire group (i.e. books, videos, etc.). Little ones have a difficult time sharing with others, and it is even harder with their own special toys. If toys are brought, please note that they may be put away, if they are the cause of disagreements among the children. Exceptions to this policy will be that a child may bring a favorite sleepy toy for naptime only, and toys may be brought for show and tell activities. We are not responsible for any loss or breakage of personal items. All personal items must be clearly marked with the child's name.
Infants and Toddlers
Infants are always fed on demand. Breast feeding infants need to have an adequate supply stocked and properly labeled. Toddlers usually eat meals and snacks on a set meal schedule.
Daily Schedule
This day-care schedule is meant to give you an idea of your child's day. Actual times and activities may vary depending on time of the year, weather, age and temperament of the children. Age appropriate activities are scheduled with the flexibility allowed to respond to the needs of each individual child and their various ages.
Older Toddler/Preschooler (24 months and older)
7:30 - 8:30 drop-offs, welcome children, free-play and/or structured-play, trains, story-time, etc.
8:30 - 9:00 breakfast, clean-up/wash-up
9:00 - 9:30 circle-time (Preschool Curriculum)
9:30 - 10:00 arts and crafts, story-time, various learning games
10:00 - 10:30 music, song and dance, tumbling exercises
10:30 - 12:00 outside play-time
12:00 - 12:30 free-play and/or structured-play, interactive video (Little Einstein's, Blue's Clue's, etc.)
12:30 - 1:00 lunch time, clean-up/wash-up, brush teeth, and get on mats
1:00 - 3:00 rest-time
3:00 - 4:00 free-play/outdoor play/ and or structured-play, puzzles, books, various learning toys, etc.
4:00 - 4:30 afternoon snack, clean-up/wash-up
4:30 - 5:30 pick-ups, outside play (depending on season), coloring, play-dough, toys, story-time, etc.
Infant/Young Toddler (younger than 24 Months)
Throughout each day we practice on reaching, grasping, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking, cooing and talking; which ever developmental stage your child happens to be in at the time. For a younger child still taking three naps a day, a third nap can be incorporated into their late afternoon schedule.
7:30 - 8:30 drop-offs, welcome children, free play and/or structured-play, story-time, toys, etc.
8:30 - 9:00 breakfast, clean-up/wash-up
9:00 - 10:00 naptime (depending on age), flash cards, arts and crafts, story-time, stacking blocks
10:00 - 10:30 music, song and dance, games
10:30 - 12:00 outside play-time
12:00 - 12:30 free-play and/or structured-play, interactive video
12:30 - 1:00 lunch time, clean-up/wash-up, brush teeth (when applicable), nestle into cribs
1:00 - 3:00 rest-time and/or quiet-time
3:00 - 4:00 free-play and/or structured-play, books, flash cards, various learning toys, etc.
4:00 - 4:30 afternoon snack, clean-up/wash-up
4:30 - 5:30 pickups, outside play (depending on season), puzzles, musical instruments, story-time, etc.
Infant (1 to 6 months)
7:30am - 5:30pm cuddles, love, and affection, eat, poop, and sleep
All meals will be provided by the parent via a packed lunch until approval for USDA provided meals has been solidified. At that time all parents will be required to fill out the USDA Eligibility Form regardless of eligibility. Any parents who refuse to participate must continue to provide all meals, snacks and drinks.
Meals for daycare children will consist of breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. We will provide breakfast which may consist of fruits, cereal, , pancakes etc. We will also provide an afternoon snack of fruit. lunch meat sandwich, crackers etc. Children who arrive after meal times should be fed before they arrive. We will honor a parent's religious or philosophical objections to a menu item and the parent can substitute any objectionable item with an item from home.
It is our belief that infants should be fed on demand. If parents have another feeding schedule in mind, we will need to discuss, so that the infant's needs will be adequately met.
If your child has allergies, and requires a modified diet, we must be notified of this in writing. We will need to have a physician's written instructions describing any foods the child is not permitted to eat. An appropriate substitution will be made, if possible. If a child has so many allergies that he/she cannot eat from our menu, we may require the parents to provide his/her lunch and snacks.
We never force a child to finish what is on his/her plate, but we do encourage each child to take what they want but eat all that they take. All abnormal eating patterns will be communicated to the parents.
Cleanliness / Hygiene
We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals and after toileting. We use paper towels for drying hands, so children do not have to use the same towel. If parents provide a toothbrush and toothpaste, teeth will be brushed as well. All employees are required to wash their hands frequently and also use antibacterial gel.
Infants sleep in separate cribs or pack and plays, with clean sheets used only by them. Beginning at toddler age, washable nap mats are used. Each child has a separate nap mat; with a sheet and a blanket provided by the parent that must be washed weekly. Mats are wiped with disinfectant weekly.
Children use separate cups, plates, bowls and eating utensils that have been thoroughly washed. High chair trays, etc. are disinfected after each use. We disinfect toilet seats and clean potty chairs between each use.
Fire Drills
We are required by state law of Pa. to do 1 fire drill per month. We vary the time of day to help the staff and children prepare to evacuate the building quickly and safely. We will not do fire drills when the temperature is below 20 degrees or above 85 degrees. Strollers or cribs with wheels will be used to transport infants and non-walking toddlers to the emergency meeting area.
Toilet Training
When you feel your child is ready for toilet teaching, we ask that you begin this teaching at home during a weekend or vacation. We will follow through and encourage your child while in our care. The child must be showing signs of readiness. When a child is ready, the process should go pretty quickly. The child must be kept in pull-ups or 5-ply training pants at all times. Putting a child in diapers part time, and training pants part time, can be confusing and delay the training process. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, we may continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, as well) and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement.
Parents need to supply training pants with plastic pants or pull-ups, plus a couple of extra changes of clothing each day (don't forget the socks!).
During toilet training, we ask that the child be dressed in "user friendly" clothing, as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses. Try to avoid really tight clothing, pants with snaps and zippers, and overalls. These are difficult for children to remove "in a hurry".
Nap / Quiet Time
There will be a designated nap/rest time each day for children enrolled in daycare. All children must nap, rest, read or play quietly during this period. Rest time gives children a much needed break during the day. Without rest time, some children are argumentative in the afternoon, short-tempered with others, and not real happy when they go home in the evening. If a child falls a sleep outside of nap time, we will allow that child to nap, however the child will continue to participate in the scheduled nap time which will be his/her quiet time.
Infants nap at varying times and their schedules will be accommodated. Somewhere between 12 and 18 months, children usually drop down to one nap per day. At this time, we will attempt to put them on the scheduled nap/rest period.
Special Needs
We will make all reasonable modifications to our policies and practices to accommodate children with special needs, unless to do so would be a fundamental alteration of our existing program. Each child will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine eligibility. We reserve the right to offer to the parent a transfer to a partnering location that may be better suited to handle a particular special need.
Parental Involvement
There will be times and ways you can get involved in your child's daycare experience. You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in any or all of these. Some examples of ways to be involved include:
Lending objects for center use
Coming to help with special events, parties, etc.
Helping your child at home with the concepts we are studying here (see child's take home work)
Helping to provide treats or other items for special events or parties
Activities / Curriculum
Our main objective is to have fun, improve social skills, and encourage creative expression. We will utilize a variety of activities to accomplish this goal. Free play, interactive e-learning, reading, arts and crafts, music/singing, dancing, dramatic play/pretend, puzzles, and educational TV/videos are just some of the activities we will be doing.
Music helps to develop young brains and will play a strong role in day-to-day activities. We may have special music activities and may also play music during other activities, for example, during arts and crafts or meal times. Some of the music we will be using may include, classical, children's songs (by a variety of artists), gospel/christian, foreign language tapes and others.
Television will be used as a tool to help children unwind and relax. We usually watch no more than one hour of television per day, and some days none at all. The exception may be on rainy days, or if we are having a particularly difficult day. Viewing will be limited to child-friendly, educational-style Television shows or videos and some entertaining children's movies. We carefully screen everything the children watch and watch along with the children.
Children of all ages will be taught age appropriate curriculum daily.
Center Rules
There are certain program rules that all children will be taught and expected to follow. This is for the safety and well being of everyone. In addition we realize that we must expect a certain amount of wear and tear where children are concerned. however we will re-enforce respect for the property of others.
There will be no running permitted in the building other than activity time. Hitting, pushing, biting, grabbing, kicking, spitting, or pinching other children/infants/adults will NOT be allowed. No standing or climbing on chairs or tables. There will be no use of obscene, derogatory or disrespectful language.
Children may not walk around the facility with food, cups or bottles. Respectful treatment of other people and all property, toys, and furniture is expected. Willful destruction of property will be charged to the parent at the cost to replace the item. Please support us in the enforcement of these rules, in order to create a better environment for all (see Departure and Arrival).
No smoking is permitted on the premises as per state law; this included parents and staff.
Reporting Requirements
As a child care center we are mandated reporters to the Department of Human Services if we feel a child is being abused or neglected. Always be sure to let your director know when you drop your child off if he/she has any unexplained cuts or bruises. All children that come to daycare with injuries have them logged into the child's file.
If you ever feel that Little Warriors is not operating in a safe manner, please bring the matter to our attention. If you desire a copy of the state licensing guidelines, we will be happy to supply you one. We are proud to say we do our best to follow state licensing guidelines to the letter. Our staff is highly trained in knowing and complying with all applicable state and local laws.
Indoor / Outdoor Play
Indoor play: We provide a variety of age-appropriate toys for indoor play. Toys may be rotated or placed temporarily out of use so that the children do not become bored. Younger children have less-developed organizational skills and can get easily frustrated or upset when there are too many toys to choose from. It is also more difficult for them to help with clean up when there are toys everywhere, because it is so overwhelming to them. For this reason, during free play times, each child may select one or two things at a time to play with. They will be shown how to put those things away before selecting something else.
Outdoor play: We are mandated by state law to take the children outside. Parents who feel that their child is not well enough to participate in outdoor activities must keep them out of daycare until they are able to participate in all activities. We will be playing outdoors every day that weather permits. Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed (see Clothing/Attire section) for outdoor play at all times. Our activities will include playground, ball throwing, some water play (sprinkler in summer), and others. We do not go outside when the temperature is below 32 degrees (including wind chill), or above 90 degrees (including heat index).
We maintain a positive discipline policy, which focuses on prevention, redirection, love, consistency and firmness. We stress two main patterns of behavior: respect for other people and respect for property. The children are explained the rules of the center frequently, so they are all familiar with the guidelines. Please keep in mind that there WILL be disagreements between children. Young children have a hard time expressing their feelings. Sometimes they hit, throw toys, bite, etc. We will try to prevent problems, redirect when appropriate, discuss inappropriate behavior, encourage making amends when offense involves another person, and sometimes withdraw privileges based on the principle of "natural consequences". An example might be where a child is misusing a toy then he/she will not be allowed to play with the toy for a period of time. The use of time outs will be rare except when a brief cooling off period is needed. Sometimes when children are fighting or throwing toys, we will put the toy in a short time out, and then bring it back into circulation a little later. This may work better than giving the child a time out in certain cases.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will there be any spanking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, name calling or isolation used. Neither food nor sleep will ever be withheld from children as a means of punishment.
If a discipline problem arises that does not respond to the above mentioned techniques, we will hold a conference with the parents. Together, we will try to find a solution. You may be called to remove your child if his/her behavior prevents us from being able to properly care for the other children. If the problem continues, other arrangements for the care of the child will have to be made, for the safety and well being of all.
GHRM is a "well-child care facility". At no time do we provide sick childcare. The following illness policies will be strictly enforced, for the health, well being and safety of all concerned.
Sick Child Policy: Under no circumstances may a parent bring a sick child to daycare or pre-school, if the child shows any signs of illness (see SYMPTOMS REQUIRING REMOVAL OF CHILD FROM CHILD CARE), or is unable to participate in the normal routine and regular day care program. Sick children will expose all children and staff members who they come in contact with. These people can in turn expose the other children. Sick children want care from their parents in the comfort of their own homes. If other children become ill due to exposure to your sick child, either because he/she was returned to day care before full recovery or because he/she was not picked up promptly upon notice of becoming ill, other parents will be unnecessarily inconvenienced. Because this is disruptive to other children and their families, your cooperation on this issue is extremely important.
Every effort is taken to reduce the spread of illness by encouraging hand washing and other sanitary and safe practices (see Cleanliness and Hygiene).
If your child is unable to participate in the normal activities of the daycare (including being able to play outside), then your child MUST stay home.
Children will be visually screened and have their temperature checked when they arrive at the facility. If the child has a temperature above 100.0 taken from the forehead, the parent must take the child back home. In the event a child becomes ill and needs to be picked up, the parent(s) will be called and are expected to come pick the child up within one hour (60 minutes). If the parent(s) cannot be reached, or have not arrived within an hour, the emergency contact person will be called and asked to come pick the child up. The child will be removed from the room and taken to a quiet room for rest and observation by a qualified adult until a parent or guardian arrives.
For the benefit of our staff and other children in our care, a sick child will not be permitted to return to care for 24 hours after condition has returned to normal. The child may return 24 - 48 hours (depending upon the illness) after they have received the first dose of an antibiotic. If a child receives an antibiotic for an ear infection, he/she may return to day care immediately if he/she has been free of other symptoms mentioned for at least 24 hours. If you aren't sure about whether or not to bring your child to care, please call the director to discuss it. Allergy related symptoms, and non-communicable illnesses do not require exclusion if you have a note from your doctor.
Symptoms requiring removal of child from day care:
Fever: Fever is defined as having a temperature of 100°F or higher taken under the arm, 101°F taken orally, or 102°F taken rectally. For children 4 months or younger, the lower rectal temperature of 101°F is considered a fever threshold; (a child needs to be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to daycare, that means the child is fever free without the aid of Tylenol®, or any other fever reducing substance.)
Fever AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion.
Diarrhea: runny, watery, bloody stools, or 2 or more loose stools within last 4 hours.
Vomiting: 2 or more times in a 24 hour period. Note: please do not bring your child if they have vomited in the night.
Breathing trouble, sore throat, swollen glands, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing.
Runny nose (other than clear), draining eyes or ears.
Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that resemble childhood diseases, including ringworm.
Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than we can provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in our care.
Just a note: Many times our child care may get blamed for the illness of a child, meaning that we have "allowed" sick children to come here. Parents may not stop to think that when sick children are brought to our center, our entire staff is also at risk of exposure. How would you feel if another parent brought their sick child and exposed your child? We STRESS this again -- if you are not sure whether or not it is okay to bring your child, please call ahead to ask us. We may require a doctor's decision as to whether or not the child is contagious. We appreciate you cooperation in this matter.
Parents will provide any medications needed by the child, including over-the-counter and prescription medicine. Written authorization is needed for us to administer ANY medication, prescription or over-the-counter. NOTE: All medicines must be in their original container with pharmacist's or manufacturer's label, child's name, dosage instructions, current date, name of medication, and times to be administered clearly written.
Medical Emergencies
Minor bumps and scratches are inevitable, but we make every effort to keep the children safe through supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries receive appropriate first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs, you will be contacted as soon as possible. If necessary, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital where you will be asked to meet us. If you are not going to be at your usual place of employment, or at home, please make sure that we have a number where you can be reached.
Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation, if required. The owners of Little Annie's Daycare Inc., will not be held liable for any sickness/injury of either parent/guardian or child while on these premises.
Note: In case of a serious accident or sudden illness requiring immediate medical attention, the following procedures will be followed.
A phone call to 911 is made.
Child's parents (or emergency contacts) are called.
Child is separated from the other children and appropriately cared for.
Parent, provider, or ambulance takes the child and health records to the doctor or hospital.
Evacuation Procedures
GHRM has written policies and procedures for dealing with emergencies and natural disasters. Evacuation plans are posted in the daycare. In the unlikely event, the children will be evacuated to an emergency location, and you will be notified as soon as possible. A notice will be posted at the daycare with all information on the alternative sight.
Termination Policies
We reserve the right to terminate a child for the following reasons (but not limited to):
Failure to pay
Routinely late picking up your child
Failure to complete the required forms
Lack of parental cooperation
Physical or verbal abuse of any person or property
Our inability to meet the child's needs
Lack of compliance with handbook regulations
We appreciate as much advance notice as possible when terminating, and will give the same courtesy in return. Parents are required to give two weeks written notice when they decide to terminate child care. The two weeks will be paid in full, regardless of whether or not the child is in attendance.
We will give two weeks notice of termination for which full tuition is due, whether or not the child is in attendance. The provider reserves the right to give written notice of immediate termination where there are extreme circumstances that affect the well-being of the provider or other children in attendance.
Anyone who terminates daycare and has a balance that is outstanding will need to have the account settled within 30 days. All accounts not settled within 30 days will be turned over to a collections agency regardless of amount owed. All accounts turned over to collections will have a $20 per week late fee plus 35% collections fee added to amount due.
Here at GHRM we do not transport any child by car or any moving vehicle, unless a medical emergency requires us to do so.
Understand that your child may be included in pictures connected with our program's promotional materials, unless otherwise specified by you the parent.
Revisions to Handbook and Contract
There will be a yearly revision to this handbook and the accompanying contract. All families will sign a new contract each year. We reserve the right to make changes in rates and policies as we deem necessary. You will be notified, in writing, of any changes that may occur. Every attempt will be made to give at least two weeks notice of changes.